Love and all it's joy

My ramblings and rantings about faith, God, love and destiny are meant to be provocative but no harm is meant. I feel if we don’t question and keep the bastards honest then we will become robotic with no allowance for our own narrative.
I wrote that "love" is something we should not pursue because it may not exist or one might never find it. Imagine the disappointment of living your whole life and not realising or knowing whether or not you have found love?
My way of looking at things is to get and give as much joy as possible everyday. Now some may argue that that in its self is a form of "love”. I’m just not comfortable with putting handles on what should be everyone’s attitude to being. Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.
Unfortunately Byron and Shakespeare gave rise to what we perceive as love in their rantings (I use the word advisedly). See post Love is in the Air Sunday, April 16. You see it's like "destiny”. If you believe in destiny then everything is already mapped out for you, isn't it? So you become lazy. You don’t need to contribute much if you believe in destiny. Which is why we have so much mediocrity in the world, (if we even aspire to that). What botters me is there is now more of an elite few that makes the decisions (an oxymoronic but artistic license is allowed eh?) We have come to accept that there is nothing we can do about it 'cause it's "destiny".
Joan, nothing wrong with altruism, live every day that way. The one common belief that guides all religions is altruism, isn’t it? You know when people don’t understand they throw insults and fists. We should all try a little more understanding and tolerance. Me included! You know, just between you and I Joan, I enjoy playing the devils advocate. May your God go with you.
But Joan and all you other wonderful people that wrote such kind words and dare "to be" keep thinking, challenging and loving ('cause I do have that too). Take good care and stay happy. I haven’t asked for permission but Joan I publish your narrative to others as an inspiration.
"Dear Baldchemist, Thank you for your wonderful writings. I do admire your mind and humor. I am one who has searched for God most of my 68 years. I found your web page while I was researching for one of my writing projects. I loved your essay about our future. Could part of the survival of human kind also depend upon the actual living of ones life based upon love, love of self and of others? Love can not be completely defined and cannot be seen - only the influence of love is seen - so it is? Can the Neptune discovery method, The unknown/unseen can be divined by its impact upon that which can be observed, be applied to God? Can you define love? Have you experienced love? A friend of mine once defined love as: "Love is the habit of mind and will that requires one to secure the highest good of the one loved." There are many kinds and degrees of love we residents of the earth experience. We have parental love, neighborly love, romantic love, animal pals we love and things we love and so on. All love requires us to help keep the loved one well. I have learned that to love unconditionally, allowing the loved one freedom, is the highest form of love experienced by me - alturistic or? One more question for your fine mind, is there one common belief that guides all religions? If you know of one what might it be? It saddened me to see that fearful people insulted you. Fear is most likely the opposite of love as is, some say, apathy.
Well that was Joan. That is what love an tolerance is about. Keep loving without any particular reason.
See you soon.

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