How to be the irresistible woman
Just the other day and I haven't the faintest reason why, I was asked the most unanswered question in the world. No it wasn't who came first, the chicken or the egg. I dealt with that one already. I suppose for those of you that don’t know I had better get it out of the way first.The chicken and the egg had been making love. The chicken rolled over, lit a cigarette and sighed "ah well that’s answered that question".
Now, the other most requested information is "what makes the woman that men adore?"
Women actually do care enough to ask "what it is that captivates a man". This really took me some time before I could arrive at some form of answer. I mean with the exception of blind physical attraction there are other attributes that make some women stand head and shoulders above the rest.
I guess it depends on how warped the mans mind is but generally we want a partner for life and if that’s not possible at least one we can be proud of in any company. Blatant bad taste or flaunting of breasts is something that men deep down laugh at.
A woman who is stylish, elegant, articulate, erudite and beautiful wins hands down over the busty, giggly little tart type.
Men will go with this sort of woman in secret. But would rarely want to be seen with in smart company...I guess that’s true of women also in the reverse situation.
A woman that keeps herself enigmatic, who has the allure that you always want to find out more about is the one that the smart clever man will always go for. A woman who is loud with nothing to say is a turn off!
You women probably ask yourselves in your relationships; Why didn’t he call? Why do I always date losers? What I am I doing wrong? How can I find the right man? Etc. The answer is of course you get what you give off.
If you give the impression of being a tart you will get the man that wants a tart.
Men don’t want overly fashionable women! As fashion changes so will your relationship.
Style on the other hand never goes out of fashion.
Dare to be yourself rather than what someone on the reality shows tells you. If you are following "the fashions" too much then there are thousands with the same look. Make sense?
You have all seen that some women are the women that all men desire and want to be in love with. You all have it within you. It's not magic it's a skill that the most desirable women have learned. These kind of women know how to create the allure with the best men and know how to keep the mystery alive. If you havn't got it, don't worry anyone can learn it. I would suggest you get a copy of "The Woman Men Adore...and Never Want to Leave" by Bob Grant.
Don’t spend your time asking your girl friends about your relationships or turning to the magazines. Just because your girl friend has had similar experiences doesn't mean her advice applies to you and remember the magazines are written for girls by girls. Ever thought about asking someone who really knows about these things? Too expensive to get advice professionally? Well it isn't!
Ever ask yourself why your boyfriend isn't talking to you? So you get on the phone to your friend wondering why you were getting the silent treatment and what you had done to provoke it and what you need to do to get him talking again. All this while the boyfriend was worrying about getting the car ready to take you out. Just shows how little you know about men.
There are three sentences that you should learn that will ensure that he cannot get you out of his mind.
Stop guessing what men want and trying to figure it out. Get the information and read them like a book forever.
We men are a walk over for the women that have these enigmatic, mysterious powers. If you havn't got it yet, here is your chance to finally understand us men! Click Here!

I was just net surfing when I found your blog. Interesting to hear a guy actually voicing out that intelligent articulate women do make a worthwhile catch.
Sometimes media puts too much emphasis on the superficial aspects of a person that people no longer value intellect contrasted to physical beauty - which I find very sad.
Thanks for an enlightening and fun read :) take care! :D
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