The idea of love
I have often written about pursuing things that may or may not exist for everyone. "Love and Happiness" being high on the list. I have been a supporter of the "get as much joy out of everyday as is possible" principal.
However, there are occasions when one needs to re-evaluate and take stock of the life we lead.
Once again it was the very enigmatic and thought provoking Joan who, when articulating her philosophy on "love" gave rise to my latest tome, for what it's worth.
We are, as children brought up on wonderful stories of Cinderella, Snow White and the others.
Walt Disney has very ably created these wonderful images and imprinted on us are the "damsel in distress and the handsome prince on a white horse saving her". Shakespeare, Byron, Joyce the world is full of great romantic writers. But for who did they write?
Even the Bible has some romance in it! Which confirms my view of it being a piece of romantic fantasy. The difference being that the hero always dies leaving the poor heroine in a state of dismay with a head covered in sack cloth and ashes.
The modern romantic films and the wonderful songs that accompany them give rise to the very hubris of our thoughts on love and happiness.
I have been guilty of interpreting these songs in my career as a singer. May I say how much pleasure I derived getting paid enormously for doing something that gave me so much. I hope that the audiences that paid to listen, got their moneys worth.
My point here is "the love" was for the music, that in it's turn created a love amongst the audience. A bringing together of a joy of the love of music.
How wonderful is music? Everywhere in the World it unites people of like minds with the mutual love of melody and harmony.
I have to be careful here not to get carried away, otherwise readers may think I have become a romantic and have lost my anarchistic tendencies.
But there you are again. Even anarchists are romantics.Where does it derive?
Why does "love" have to bring so much suffering with it. Or is that how a good story would have us believe. Look at some of the examples. The film "Ghost". He dies she mourns. "Love Story". She dies he mourns.
Why do we have this inherent need to be sadly in love. Continually in tears when we witness what the film and music industry of today and the romantic authors and composers of yesterday offer as being a look at love?
I mean according to this lot if we are not in a state of longing and cant live without him/her then it's not worth having.
I dont know. I guess I will just have to take my chances with my wonderful woman Malin.
What good is love when your sure of tomorrow? Can there be love where there has been no sorrow? Would you find there is really such a thing as peace of mind? And what we thought was living was really just confusion. A chance to live forever was really just illusion. But this all can be ours, why cant we make ourselves believe it?
One last thought why are all the beautiful love songs so sad?